Isabella and I headed to New Braunfels last week, Tuesday, so that I could be in the office for work. Granmommy got to babysit while I was at work Wednesday and loved it (Chris was with her Thursday and Friday). When I got home that evening I asked to hold Bella and she actually told me no. Reason being: "You have her all the time". I asked if I could at least kiss her and she allowed that. It was a great visit; being able to see family, hang out with friends, and see my co-workers. Everyone was so wonderful and excited just to see Bella. I felt so bad having to tell people they couldn't hold her. I just hope everyone understands the reason. I want to thank everyone that stopped by the house to see the princess and brought SOOOO many gifts (our cars were stuffed on the trip home). And to my AWESOME co-workers...thank you for the shower and basket of goodies. And last but not least, a much special thanks to Kat and Randy for bringing Isabella's crib to Midland (they were in the area for the weekend and used their truck to bring it by the house from Granmommy's), that was a huge help.
An unexpected event, but great outcome, of our trip was getting to go to Cranial Technologies. We did our consultation for Bella's Doc Band helmet as well as getting pictures and measurements done. They said that she was in the middle range of severity. Once we find out if insurance qualifies her we will move forward with imaging and fitting. Then we will be making trips to Austin fairly often for observation and adjustments.
Today the princess had GI and Surgery appointments in Lubbock. Dr. F (GI) was very pleased with her color and weight gain. Oh, she was 10 lb 14 oz last Tuesday...she was 11 lb 11 oz today...AT BOTH APPOINTMENTS!!! She is at 21.5" long, which we are surprised by...she just seems so much longer to us. Dr. F thinks, just by looking at her, that the Colestasis is gone. They ran a GGT panel and should know officially if it is flushed in the next couple of days. Dr. G (Surgery) just kind of scoffed at the hernias. She was not worried in the least about their appearance or affect on Bella. There are two definite hernias at the incision and an umbilical hernia. Dr. G said that each area feels large enough to not obstruct bowel and could wait on surgery till November at the earliest. That is great news...Chris and I were all prepared to start on the surgery path again. But we will continue to keep our eye on them for any changes or pain to Bella.
Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Enjoy our pictures from the weekend!
Proud Granmommy
Uncle Rob (hahaha, my picture)
Cousins Bonding (thanks Sis for making them scrub down :)
The Princess