Isabella Danielle, born at 24 weeks and 1 day, 1lb 11oz, 12.5in

Zachary Michael, born at 36 weeks, 5lb 13oz, 18.5in

Alexander Charles, FULL TERM, 7lb 1oz, 20in

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby Bella Day 4 continued

We have just checked out of the hospital and are staying at the Hampton Inn right across the street for the night. Today has been one of the most difficult days for me to handle, first she had the earlier episode with her breathing, then when I went back one of the many times today she had a less severe breathing episode. Watching her struggling to breathe makes me feel so helpless, I don't know how else to explain it. After her breathing episode, I prayed for her continually until we went back down. The next time we went back we were able to speak to a nurse practitioner who was getting ready to put a pic line into her. The pic line allows them to provide her with more nutrients and is a bigger and better iv line into a more central vein rather than the smaller arm vein the original iv is in. She really needs it because she is peeing a lot of electrolytes and water out of her body. Well the news from the nurse was not good, they looked at the head ultrasound during rounds earlier and saw that the level 1 bleeding turned into level 2. But it is a very slight level 2 and the nurse said that it really wasn't anymore potentially damaging than the level 1 bleeding. Then she said that they were not doing another head ultrasound for another 5 days. They reassured us that this is not as bad as it sounds, her vital signs are really good, her motor skills are fantastic, she is very responsive to stimulus and does not appear to be having any complications as a result of the bleeding, but they don't know how it will effect her long term development. They will know more in 5 days and give us more information then. The nurse could see the fear in our faces and began to reassure us that Isabella is a superstar in every other aspect and she has performed like a little champ! They told us that she is an A student at the NICU. That helped but we are still so very concerned for her. On a positive note, her skin color looks great after the blood transfusion and they removed the light overhead because she has responded so well and does not appear jauntus. I can look at her little eyes, which are still fused shut but will open some time in the next week or two, I see my little girl and I just pray that everything will be ok. We are about to go out and fill some prescriptions, but I wanted everyone at work that helped during the United Way drive to know how amazing the United Way is. There is a United Way sponsored support group and counseling available here in Charlottesville and we were put in contact with them. I now see why the Lord wanted me to be involved in the United Way, why he drove me to work hard raising money. I am so thankful to all of you that were on the committee and helped out, everyone that donated and everyone who helps make other people's lives better. I immediately looked at Machel and said the Lord is constantly showing us signs, signs to strenghten our faith and commitment, signs showing us that he is comforting us, and signs of how much our friends and family care and are praying for us. Thank you all for that love and prayer, we can feel it and I know my baby girl can too! Thank you all so very much! Baby Isabella is now 72 hours old!! She has made it through some of the most critical time and I thank the Lord for every day, every minute I get to see and spend with her.


Zinsmaster Family said...

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl - We will certainly keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers!

Dr.MixMasterofPhilosophy said...

Congratulations!! My best wishes, and Prayers go out too you...


Amiet and DOm

Megan P said...

Your blog was passed on to some of us in C&I at COP and we all wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you guys and praying for sweet little Bella!!

s2shipp said...

Chris & Machel - you are SO much in my thoughts and especially my prayers. Thank you for keeping up this blog - I cherish the updates and love hearing what a strong 'princess' of a daughter you have.
